Saturday, November 7, 2009

Movie Dude: Transformers

Transformers, 2007

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
a.k.a. Transformers 2, 2009

Director: Michael Bay

Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox

Wonder Boy, Dragon Scribe, and I watched the movies.

Movie Dude: There's my Friday night gas!
Movie Dude (concerning Meagan Fox): I feel good and I'm lovin' every minute of it!

Just like the Transformers, Movie Dud and Just Me learned many new things through the world wide web.

Wonder Boy: Are you going to sketchy web sites again?
Just Me: Psychedelic Squirrel? That's a totally legitimate web site.

They searched for, among other things, road kill pictures, Santa with Muscles (apparently there was a bad Hulk Hogan movie), and exploding things.

Wonder Boy: Ssshhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the movie!

Movie Dude: Search General Grant car.
Just Me: I thought we were going to google exploding toilets?

Wonder Boy: Ssshhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the movie!

Movie Dude: Sssshhhhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the expolding whale video.

Just Me (reading from website): "Watch the video, read the articles, and learn about more exploding whales.... Welcome to the definitive exploding whale site on the internet." Exploding whale even has a Wikipedia entry!

Wonder Boy: Ssshhh! Quiet! We're trying to watch the movie!

Movie dude: Poop is "poop" spelled backward.

(My nephew, formerly referred to as Cool Man, now has the moniker "Dragon Scribe." It encompasses his interests in dragons, drawing, and reading.)

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