Sunday, November 22, 2015

Yesterday's Gone: Season Two

Yesterday's Gone: Season Two by Sean Platt & David W. Wright
Collective Inkwell: 11/16/13

eBook review copy, 495 pages
ISBN-13: 2940148889588

Yesterday's Gone: Season Two by Sean Platt & David W. Wright is a continuation of the serialized set of six books/seasons. Each book is broken down into episodes. After reading Season One, I continued on to Season Two and I'll have to admit that my feelings about the series have plummeted to a so-so rating. There is too much swearing, gore, violence, and not enough character and plot development for me. Sure there is action and lots of stuff going on, but the forward movement seemed lacking. Action just for its own sake is not plot development.  Obviously, I'm in the minority as most readers are rating it higher but this second book, while entertaining, will be my last in the series.

Disclosure: My Kindle edition was courtesy of Collective Inkwell for review purposes.

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